Please arrive 15 minutes early and be as scent-free as possible.
Please avoid wearing any scents of any kind. Many people have severe respiratory reactions to fragrances and smoke odor.
There is no special clothing needed for your salt room session. The salt room maintains a temperature of around 70 degrees. We have plenty of blankets for your comfort.
Please complete an Intake Form and keep us informed of any changes in your health.
We provide shoes covers for everyone to wear. You are also welcomed to wear your clean socks into the salt room.
We have a place to store items that are not going in the salt room with you. Please lock your valuables in the car or leave them at home. We asked that food and drinks not be brought into the salt room.
Need help?
Just contact us!
Call or Text: 828.246.0788
We are here to answer your questions and provide information about how we can help you achieve wellness.
Phones and tablets can be taken into the salt room. Please be sure that devices are silenced and screen brightness is dimmed as to not disturb those around you. Protective cases are recommended and we have free Wi-Fi.
Kids love the salt room and benefit greatly from the sessions. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. We encourage children to play in the salt, but not to throw it or touch the walls. Children and family sessions are booked at the front desk in person or by calling us at 828.246.0788.
Please feel free to to contact us with any questions that you may have regarding your visit to the Waynesville Salt Room.